Drush Commands

CAS Drush Command Examples

Here are some examples of CAS drush commands using the aforementioned test accounts:

Create a user. (You need to know their UID.)

bwood@mbp modules$ drush cas-user-create 212372
 uid        :  5
 name       :  AFF-NORMAL TEST, Jr., ThD
 mail       :  test-212372-2@berkeley.edu
 status     :  1
 cas_name   :  212372

Add a role to a user. (You need to know their UID.)

$ drush cas-user-add-role administrator 277777
Added the administrator role to uid 2                                                                                       [success]

You can find a user's UID at using the UC Berkeley Directory.

Building this module with 'drush make'

The fact that there is not a ucberkeley_cas.make file included here is intentional. When we build the Open Berkeley distribution we do not want the drush make command to discover a makefile in here and build it. Instead we want to use the product of ucberkeley_cas-standalone.make. See rebuild.sh.